Sunday, July 12, 2009

Comfort Food....

So yes... we have established that it is winter and that it is bloody freezing!! And for all you southerners going... It's not even cold on the Gold Coast... clearly someone forgot to give mother nature the memo about us being the sunshine state and all coz it's been cold... really COLD!

So winter is well and truly upon us and its getting harder and harder to get up for the early morning walk before work or even get to the gym as that means actually having to leave the warmth of the house to get to your car! So if you have let your exercise regime slide a little, it is super important to make sure you are eating as healthily as you can to keep your immune system up and winter weight at bay! Winter is the time for hot yummy, scrummy, comfort foods!
BUT... that doesn't mean we need to fill up on carb and fat loaded pies, soups and stews. Raw soups are an amazing way to get a massive amount of nutrients, flavour and awesome goodness throughout winter without boiling away all the vitamins and nutreints.
Leave the potatos and pumpkins on the shelf and grab some raw beetroot, carrot, zuchinni, spinach!!!! Anything that you can fit into your food processor and blend until smooth. To make it easier add little bits of water as you go but be careful not to add to much. Also, to make sure you get your essential fatty acids, add a couple of tablespoons of macadamia nut or olive as you blend. This will also give a creamier texture. Salt and pepper to taste, I also love to add some cayene pepper or chilli to spruke it up a bit. And WHHAMMOOO!! Super simple soup with every drop of goodness from vege to the bowl! You can eat cold starightaway (great in summer), let it sit at room temperature for a bit or if you do need the winter warmer - place it on the stove on a low heat and JUST warm through. That way you still wont lose the nutrients, but it will warm your belly and your heart!!!! And colours of raw soups are sensational!!!!!!!!! So go on - take the plunge... it will leave your minestrone for dead!!!!

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